It is the old coal: difficult to mine, a burden to move, and intrinsically dirty.

Help is here.

The Challenge of Usefulness

There is more data everywhere, but it never seems to be in the right place at the right time in the right format.

I work with data in its many forms: databases, APIs, spreadsheets, text files, and a wide variety of GIS formats.



Experience with all the major relational databases: SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc. Advanced work done with stored procedures, window functions, and spatial functions.



Two decades plus of mapping and geospatial analysis using both desktop GIS systems and web mapping platforms. More than a few opinions as to how to optimize workflows between the two.



The global economy runs on Excel VBA macros. We do not make the rules–we just acknowledge the facts on the ground. Someone needs to roll their sleeves up and see what is going on in the code...



My personal programming trajectory goes something like Visual Basic → PHP → Javascript, but today I am almost exclusively Python for scripting automation, web scraping, and notebook-driven data analysis.



Speaking API by slicing and dicing JSON. And understanding how implementing an API on your own data enables more internal consumption via dashboards, etc.



The premier platform for converting between both all manner of Geospatial file formats as well as the everyday tabular formats we know and love (CSV, XLS, et al). Implementing server-side automations with file-based triggers, email notifications, etc.



The spatial extension for PostgreSQL has long commanded love as it marries Geo analysis capabilities with the ubiquitous SQL grammar. Ask about the complete data lifecycle–from Ingestion to Map–exclusively driven by SQL.



I joined Mapscaping's Daniel O'Donohue to discuss Geospatial career challenges and articulating one's value. Listen HERE.

I presented a keynote presentation at the 2023 FOSS4G-NA Conference: "You Can't Get There From Here...Alone." View it HERE.